Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Living Roots Bridge

Living Roots Bridge - Cherrapunji, Meghalaya

In Cherrapunji, Meghalaya, man has befriended nature and cajoled it into bending to his ways. People build bridges, but the Khasis of Meghalaya, they grow bridges. Ficus Elastica or the Rubber Tree produces strong secondary roots from their trunks. These have been trained to grow
in a particular direction using betel-nut trunks, forming sturdy, living bridges over decades. Some of these bridges are more than a hundred feet long. The Umshiang Double Decker Bridge is truly one of a kind in the entire world. Some ancient root bridges are over 500 years old.


Meghalaya's Living root bridges
This is the only root brides found in the world. Its located in the southern part of Meghalaya, India.
Please see the link : http://www.nidokidos.org/threads/230993

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