Monday, December 22, 2014

Azadirachta indica A Juss - An incredible Medicinal Plant

Botanical Name : Azadirachta indica A Juss. Synonyms : Melia azadirachta L.
Family : Meliaceae
Local Name : Odia : Limba, Neem, Hindi : Neem, English: The Neem Tree, Telugu : Yapa, Vepa
Bengali : Neem
Habitat: Very commonly planted and found in forest.
Distribution:  India, Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; tropical Australia, Pacific islands (Solomon Islands). Myanmar, China.
Flowering time: February-May Fruiting time: June-July
Conservation Status:  Not yet evaluated

Habit : Tree
Leaf : Leaves 20-38 cm; leaflets 5-9 pairs, obliquely lanceolate, 2.5-7.5×1.2-3.7 cm, inequilaterally, sometimes falcate, serrate, acuminate, glabrous, base cuneate, oblique; petiolules 2 mm
Flower: - Flowers white, fragrant, 7.5 mm across. Staminal tube 5 mm long.
Fruit: - Drupeellipsoid,1.2- 1.8 cm long,y e l l o w , glabrous.

The whole plant part viz. bark, root, fruits, seed, flowers, leaves etc is medicinally important and used in various other proposes. Twig : Rural people in India use the twigs as toothbrush. It is quite effective in reducing plaque and gingival inflammation. Bark : The bark is widely used as an antiperiodic, vulnerary, lever tonic, expectorant, urinary astringent, anthelmintic, pectoral and also very useful in hyperdispia, eczema, pruritus, malarial fevers, wounds, ulcers, burning sensation,
tumor, vomiting, intestinal worms, cough, bronchitis, diabetes, inflammation, haemorrhoids, Syphilis and fatigue. Leaves: The leaves are bitter, astringent, acrid, depurative, antiseptic, ophthalmic, appetizer, insecticidal, demulcent & refrigerant. They are useful in burning sensation, leprosy,
skin diseases, leucoderma, intestinal worms, dyspepepsia & general debility. The leaves are burnt to keep away mosquitoes and also leaf powder are used as a facial cream. Flower: The flowers are eaten as a vegetable in India. It is believed to be good for one’s health. Seed: The seeds are uterine stimulant & urinary astringent. They are useful in tumors, leprosy, skin diseases, intestinal worms, wounds, ulcers and diabetes. The Neem oil is bitter, anthelmintic and depurative. It is also used for preparing cosmetics such as soap, shampoo, facial creams etc.

Mythological importance :  In Odisha the oldest and world famous Jagannath temple deity
Daru Brahma, the mystic expression of Lord in wood (Lord Jagannath, Sri Balabhadra
and Devi Subhadra ) are made up of Neem heart wood.

 Saxsena, H.O. & Brahmam, M. (1994). The Flora of Orissa, Vol. I, pp: 273– 274.
 Sharma P.C.; Yelne M.B.; Dennis T.J. (2005 ). Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda,
Vol.1, pp: 47-50.
 Azadirachta india

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